In 2013, the Director of the High Institute of Health has chosen as the film director able to write and direct the advertising on Rare Diseases, capable to change their minds at the European Parliament on the law regarding the exchange of protected data ... Starting from an empty set and having only 7 hours , 115 Euros and some "actors" of 3 years old, Gianni del Corral was able to make a short movie that was selected in the Festival from all five continents, winning in America, Europe and Asia… He created the Hyena 's Puppies, 6 children, 4 of which are disabled, that run Italy for important investigations in which they are still interviewing ministers and celebrities. And their surveys are online on the homepage of one of the most important national newspapers : Il Fatto Quotidiano... The Official Valentino Rossi’s fans club, asked the film director to tell the supporters of the greatest motorcycle champion of all time. This production was a collaboration with Dorna, Ducati, Mugello Circuit and the sports editor of Mediaset. The film was screening on ESPN and SKY... The ANPAS - Civil Defence has asked him to document the work of the volunteers during the earthquake in Abruzzo (Italy)... He created the " Moviecare ," the movie that care, which will be subjected to medical and scientific research... He was shoot the world of acrobatic aerial patrols, working with the Ministry of Defense ... He wrote and directed the short movie for Hands off Cain on the death penalty that has opened several international conferences on the moratorium against this punishment ... The sensitivity of the film director has gone beyond the screens,  he creating in 2005 the first Italian specialist babysitting service for children with disabilities (Baby -Xitter) ... These are just a few hints on the important work of this film director and screen-player.


“The movie uses a seemingly                              “If to the Oscars this year we were
simple language, but that goes                            a little protagonist, the better it is
directly to the soul of viewer”                             going to Colors… A little gem of
(Riders)                                                           simplicity, the symbol of integration”
                                                                         (Cine Festival)

“In Milan, a special evening                                 “An original movie among all previous
where you can see beautiful                                film and television productions on
art movies… with Colors by                               this topic”
Gianni del Corral”                                              (Il Giornale)
(Il Sole 24 Ore)

“Gianni del Corral with                                         “Intended for all arthouse cinemas
Hands Off Cain, to fight                                        in Italy, the rude movie by
death penalty”                                                      Gianni del Corral, already winners
(Il Manifesto)                                                    of some Festival”

“Jessica Vaff, signed Gianni!                                 “A movie rude, strong, intense”
… A hilarious comedy”                                         (L’Unità)
(La Stampa)

“Paolino Pulici exceptional coach.                        “Yellow Fever introduces us to hidden
Gianni del Corral, captain of Pasotti,                   aspect of the Tavullia’s Champion…
Montrucchio, Neri and many other                      But isn’t hidden the commitment and
artists”                                                                energy of the film director”
(Tuttosport)                                                      (Mondo Nuovo)

“A well-made movie”                                           “Don’t lose the movie by del Corral
(Torino Cronaca)                                                about Valentino’s supporters”
                                                                            (Leggo)                                                                  (some titles of newspapers)





Gianni del Corral was born in Turin in 1968. After his studies, he begins working with important productions, where he has been engaged as an assistant and assistant director, cameraman and editor, and some works were distributed also in the international market.
He makes his directorial debut in 1995 with " L’OMBRA del GATTO”  (The Shadow of the Cat), resulting an immediate success at the Turin Film Festival the same year.
His work as a director and screenwriter continues to win prizes in National and International Festivals.
In 2003 "A Different Request", whose main character is Antonio Catania, is released in cinemas, distributed by Key Film. The movie’ soundtrack is written by Vasco Rossi and Africa Unite.
In 2005 del Corral becomes the production manager of FlyFilm Productions, where he also directs "Sky Show", a TV program about the acrobatic air patrols, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense, Department of Air Force.
In 2006, he creates L’Emotion Film that  produces the film-inquiry "E’ IN ARRIVO UN TRENO CARICO DI…” (It’s arriving a train loaded with...).
With the same label, he creates several major works, including "GLI ANGELI” (Angels), a documentary on the Abruzzo’s earthquake, "Colors", the first short movie to be selected in the Festivals of all continents, and that won many prizes in Europe, America and Asia and "FEBBRE GIALA” (Yellow Fever), a documentary feature about Valentino Rossi’ supporters, with the collaboration of the Official Fan Club Valentino Rossi - Tavullia, Dorna, Ducati and Mediaset, sold to Sky (season 2011-2013) and ESPN Classic Sport Ltd. - London (season 2013-2014).
In 2013, the film director is asked by the National Institute of Health to produce and direct an advertisement about Childhood Rare Diseases that needs to be shown in the European Parliament.
Lastly, he is the creator of "Moviecare," the movie that takes care of children and teens with disabilities.
Movie director's teacher at public schools and private courses.
Jury's member in several Festival, national and international.


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